Jesse J.
Jesse J. is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering at major university. He holds degrees in chemistry including a PhD. He did postdoctoral training at with a School of Medicine and joined his current faculty in 2015. He has received over $6.5 million USD in external funding to support his work in materials science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, clinical research, optics, and imaging. He has been cited nearly 8000 times with an i10 index of 55 and h-index of 35; he has multiple publications in Nature and Science series journals and supports a lab of 14 postdocs and PhD students. The professor has received several prestigious awards, including the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, the NIH New Innovator Award, the NSF CAREER Award, and Stanford Radiology Alumni of the Year Award. He currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of journals at the American Chemical Society and SAGE publishing.